
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

absolutely no hippies

Yesterday, we walked with Giants, not the baseball team but the Coastal Redwoods on the Avenue of the Giants in the Humboldt Redwoods State Park. Wow, I thought the Redwoods were big in Muir Woods (California Dreamin’) but these guys were spectacular.  The largest one we saw was the Dyerville Redwood Giant which actually fell in 1991. Measured in 1972, the it stood 362 feet tall. It was estimated to be 1600 years old. Unbelievable!   Although our truck wouldn’t fit, there were even some trees you could drive thru!


wanna feel small? visit the Giants!

 IMG_8157 Redwoods(9)

nope, we won’t be boondocking here…

Hippie sign


Today we visited some beaches… (so different from the gulf coast I’m used to!)

IMG_8207 100_1198


…and hiked down to the Trinity River /Gray Falls…

 IMG_8264 IMG_8258

S E R I O U S L Y ?IMG_8250


…then drove home via Hwy 3 and 36 along the Mad River.

 IMG_8277 100_1217

What a great day!  One more before we move on toward  San Franciscoagain.

Welcome New Followers!


John and Judy

Blessings Y’all!


Unknown said...

Very nice posting today. Loved the photos. Also, I thought your scripture quote worked very well with the “Giants”!


Kenny And Angela's Adventure said...

Love the pictures of the trees,but no hippies thats just not right.

Have a good week..

Travels with Emma said...

Great photos! It's hard to pick a favorite. :)

Sue and Doug said...

great shots of the pacific ocean!..and the 'giant trees'!..

Along the Way with JnK said...

We absolutely loved that area...you guys sound like you are having a blast and taking some fabulous photos.

Have fun again in SF, make sure you do the Alcatraz tour, we found it very spiritual!

Rick said...

Great post and terrific pictures. That area is one of our favorite places to visit too!

ThE MidLiFe CrUiSeR said...

Good morning Love Muffin! hehe!!

We went to Muir woods on our honeymoon, and got some crappy pictures. Those were the days of film cameras so you never knew if you got a good picture until it was developed!


Dennis and Donna said...

You're bringing back some great memories..We drove the Avenue of The Giants about 15 years ago...Fabulous...Obviously they were allowing Hippies in back then...McGuyver and I had no problem!! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

Tom and Marci said...

The redwoods are cool -- can't wait to get out there to see them!

I like your posting style -- very fun and creative.


Janie Fox said...

Beautiful pictures. I would love to see those trees. Gonna put it on my bucket list!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Donna K said...

New reader here! Found your blog from your comment on another blog - isn't that the way!! Enjoyed your post today. We (Russ and Donna) are from Oregon and we love those redwoods. We are waiting for our RV to be completed so relate to your earlier posts about wanting to get on the road. God bless and happy travels.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Great pictures! Must have been a bit soggy getting off the rock :)

Debbie Goode said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and introducing yourselves. The photos are fabulous and so is your fifth wheel. Safe Travels!